If you want to do what you want to do

This is what I’m offering:

Scratchy pencil drawing with two faces: one looking menacing and the other (a similar face) with mouth taped shut.

How To Silence Your Inner Critic.

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Note: This price is an experiment, and I reserve the right to increase it at any time.

You may be thinking, Sounds great, but I can’t afford it

In which case: THIS IS NOT FOR YOU.

I don’t want to create hardship, and I sincerely wish you good fortune. Perhaps we will meet again.

But if you only mean, I don’t want to spend £147 £97, that’s different.

Let me put this into perspective.

What else you might spend the money on?

When I started typing this, I was sitting at my kitchen table

I was wearing pyjamas. I had a cup of coffee. I carried on typing for quite a long time…

The coffee turned cold.

Eventually, I got dressed and went out to the garage up the road, to ask my friend Steve to go ahead and replace the battery in my car.

He told me yesterday how much it would cost.

Now, I like Steve but I don’t WANT to spend that money on a new battery.

I was willing to spend it because I want the car to perform well.

If I don’t look after it, what then?

Not to spend that money would be a mistake.

Bright, colourful drawing of a car parked outside a mechanic's garage in a suburban street.

Steve's garage. Drawing by (yep) me.

Here's what happened next

When I got there, Steve told me I also need four new tyres, new brake pads, a new timing belt on the engine, PLUS a new throttle body.

Woah. This was not welcome news.

The price had risen TEN TIMES higher than I expected.

But I trust Steve, so I paid.

Because I want the car to perform well. If YOU want to perform well, I think you know what to do.

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You have two choices

You’ve read this far, and I’m grateful for your time. Sincerely.

Now it’s up to you. You can carry on as before.

Do nothing.

What will change?

Er, nothing.

OR you can take a leap of faith…

Start actually doing the things you only dream about. What would that be worth?

I mean, what would YOU do, if you could get out of your own way?

Not in the distant future (“cor, one day!”), but at once.

Scratchy drawing of a thuggish Inner Critic with his arms around the neck of a caricature John-Paul Flintoff

At once!, says Flintoff (me).

One man who took my How To Silence Your Inner Critic course sent me a text afterwards:

Screenshot of a text message to JPFlintoff saying that the sender has got on with starting to work with a personal trainer

I think £147 £97 is a reasonable price for a personal revolution. If you don’t think you’re worth that much, I don’t know what to say.

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But I don’t want you to feel there’s ANY risk involved.

So if this doesn’t work for you, just let me know.

Get back to me within 14 days of your purchase, and I’ll give you your money back.

Simple as that. You don’t have to return anything, or even explain your decision.

There’s nothing to lose.

You’ve read this far. Isn’t it worth gambling a few minutes of your time to check it out?

One last thing

I want to give you ANOTHER bonus.

An A5 Fine Art Print of “Dahlias”:

An A5 Art Print of a Painting of Dahlias by a window, with a car outside.

Beautiful. If I say so myself.

It’s a limited edition, available to purchase on my website.

But I’ll give it to you entirely free if you buy How To Silence Your Inner Critic today.

So, if you are quick, you will get:

Scratchy pencil drawing with two faces: one looking menacing and the other (a similar face) with mouth taped shut.

How To Silence Your Inner Critic


FREE “Dahlias” A5 Fine Art Print

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NOTE: This is a limited offer, while stocks last. If you want this, don’t leave it too late.